We are a
non-profit civil society organization
that promotes the protection of personal data and other fundamental rights in the face of the emergence of new technologies,
social inequalities, and power asymmetries.
We believe that the protection of personal data is one of the foundations of democracy and it needs to be considered from the perspective of social justice and power asymmetries.
We work to promote a culture of data protection and to ensure that digital rights are fundamental rights for everyone
, carrying out research that is open to the public, guided by a strong social commitment and with ethical funding.
Lines and Projects
Nossas Políticas
Ethical and Transparent Financing Policy
We believe that ethical funding is a key element in an independent non-profit organization. Our ethical and transparent financing policy establishes criteria that allow donations to be made ethically and based on our principles, thus providing for situations where a donation may be rejected or considered incompatible. The Policy determines an independent evaluation system for donations above two hundred thousand reais and sets the functioning of the Independent Reviewers Group.
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
In addition to ethics and strict parameters for funding the organization's activities, we are also committed to unrestricted respect for all employees and the setup of formal and informal mechanisms for reporting any case of discrimination or harassment in the work environment. The purpose of the anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy is to create and clarify the means of communication and support for NGO members, in addition to training them with ethical behavior guidelines.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The Conflict-of-Interest Policy provides procedures to harmonize the multiple engagements of the Association's employees in projects parallel to those they conduct internally, considering the dynamics of their activities and their research. The Policy creates an Internal Committee to evaluate cases in which there may be conflicts between the interests of employees and of the Association.
DataPrivacyBr Research | Content under licensing CC BY-SA 4.0