The Think20 South Africa invites researchers from around the world to contribute to a dynamic exchange of ideas on today’s most pertinent challenges. This is an opportunity to share impactful research, engage with a global network of thought leaders and contribute to supporting the G20 in addressing global issues.

The T20 South Africa process aims to provide comprehensive and actionable policy recommendations to G20 policymakers involved in the Sherpa and Finance tracks. Institutions around the world are able to build and expand their networks, share evidence, exchange ideas, and develop joint proposals for policy briefs. These briefs will form part of the T20 Communiqué.

How to Submit 

  • Complete this form to submit your abstract. 
  • Submissions received via other channels or after the deadline will not be considered. 
  • Remember that the proposal is to have gender and geographic diversity (authors’ affiliation institutions must include at least one from the Global North and one from the Global South).

Key Dates 

  • The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 10, 2025, at 7:00 pm (UTC-3).
  • Notification of acceptance of abstracts and invitation to submit a full policy brief: March 3, 2025.
  • Deadline to submit full policy briefs: March 24, 2025.

Find out more details about the abstract topics in the full notice and on the Task Force website

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