Texto | Expanding the role of Public Defender’s Offices in protecting personal data in Brazil | Asymmetries and Power
First steps guide to suitability of defenders

As a product of the mutual learning process with the Public Defender’sOffice, we produced a Compliance Guide to help unlock the compliance process. It is a document guiding good practices in data protection and privacy, taking into account the specificities of the institution. The material is the result of a broad work of cooperation, with a focus group composed of members of different Brazilian Public Defender’s Offices , which brought perspectives and constructive criticism for the improvement of the material. Since the Guide goes through considerations of different natures and depths, it proves to be a fundamental document for engagement, addressing from the perspectives and challenges that motivate the elaboration of the Guide to historical and structuring descriptions of the field of data protection and the LGPD, through practical issues of implementation of a compliance project.
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