On the 2nd and 3rd of July, a Mid-Term Conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, a T20 event with the participation of leaders from national and international think tanks, members of academia, representatives of the private and public sectors and civil society to discuss and propose solutions to the main global challenges.

The event featured six thematic panels addressing themes outlined by the T20 Brazil Task Forces, where the T20 Brazil Communiqué was delivered to the G20 social representatives and the Brazilian Ministries of Finance and Foreign Affairs.

Bruno Bioni, co-director of Data Privacy Brasil, was present at the launch of Communiqué T20 Brasil, during the Mid-Term Conference, a T20 event.


The T20 Brazil Communiqué is now available and contains recommendations for the priorities of the Brazilian G20 presidency. The proposals presented are the result of the work of research centers and think tanks from the most diverse areas, from the environment to digital rights, and are an opportunity to influence the G20 decision-making process.

On Wednesday, taking advantage of the occasion, the “Joint Declaration of the T20/C20 Convergence Dialogue” was also launched. The document contains recommendations for G20 leaders in the economic, environmental and digital areas, and is a collaboration of the TF2, TF3 and TF5 task forces and the WG1, WG3 and WG7 working groups of the T20 and C20, respectively. The purpose of creating a statement is to reinforce commonalities between the engagement groups.

On the economic agenda, the BRICS Policy Center and the Institute of World Economics and Politics participate for the T20, and Gestos, Latindadd and the Institute of Economic Justice for the C20. On the environmental and climate agenda, it participates in the Cipó Platform and IDDRI for the T20, and in the Climate Observatory, Engajamundo and the Climate Justice Network for the C20. On the digital agenda, it participates in Data Privacy Brasil and ORF for the T20, and Idec, Lapin and Amrita Technology Business Incubator for the C20.

Data Privacy Brasil is the coordinator of T20 Task Force 5 – Inclusive Digital Transformation, represented by Bruno Bioni, co-director of the organization. Each Task Force is coordinated by representatives of think-tanks or research centers. In the case of Data Privacy Brasil, we were selected, after a demonstration of interest, to coordinate Task Force 05 “Inclusive Digital Transformation”, together with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), from India.

Bruno Bioni and Jaqueline Pigatto, from Data Privacy Brasil and Anirban Sarma, from the Observer Research Foundation (ORF).


Data worked with C20 Working Group 7 – Digitalization and Technology and collaborated on recommendations on: meaningful connectivity, what point G20 members should establish partnerships to diversify financing mechanisms and the universalization of subsidies to promote connectivity, exploring possibilities such as digital solidarity funds; digital government, where the G20 must promote the development of Digital Public Infrastructures (DPIs) that serve the public interest; and artificial intelligence, where the document addresses how the G20 should complement the 2019 AI principles by emphasizing data fairness and solidarity and applying the precautionary principle to reduce information asymmetry about AI risks, and further requests that G20 members must ban the use of high-risk AI such as facial recognition for law enforcement.

The document was delivered to representatives of the G20 Social, and is expected to be taken forward at the economic forum summit, which takes place this year in Rio de Janeiro, in November. To check the document, access the link.

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