G20 Engagement Groups Issue Joint Declaration on Artificial Intelligence
On Tuesday (10), the main G20 engagement groups, including Civil 20 (C20), Labor 20 (L20), Think 20 (T20) and Women 20 (W20), announced a groundbreaking joint statement on the ethical, sustainable and inclusive development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI).
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Inclusive Digital Transformation: check out the declaration with recommendations to the G20
In the document, six priorities were defined to deal with issues such as digital inclusion and meaningful universal connectivity; and challenges, opportunities and governance of artificial intelligence.
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T20 and C20 launch “Joint Declaration of Convergence Dialogue”
On the 2nd and 3rd of July, a Mid-Term Conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, a T20 event with the participation of leaders from national and international think tanks, members of academia, representatives of the private and public sectors and civil society to discuss and propose solutions to the main global challenges.
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