O que esperar da DPGC 2023?
2ª edição da conferência tem como foco as discussões em torno da governança e regulação de IA
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Data Privacy Brasil participates in UN’s OHCHR briefing on Brazil
The organization highlighted how the advance of edtech has been violating children’s privacy in the country
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Data Privacy Brasil na CPDP 2023: um relato em duas partes
Saiba mais sobre um dos principais eventos globais do ecossistema da privacidade e proteção de dados, sob a ótica de quem acompanhou o debate bem de perto.
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Data Privacy Brasil’s contribution to the Thematic Deep Dive of Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies of the Global Digital Compact
As other civil society organizations already pointed out, notable preference was given to the speech of Member States, UN agencies, and the private sector, at the expense of human rights civil society organizations, which prevented the speech that had been prepared by the DBPR and other civil society stakeholders.
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